Navigating to clocking rules (Clocking and Break Rules)
Select the settings icon in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.
Select labour from business settings
Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select the pencil icon next to clocking rules
Break Time Rules
Use Nory to ensure that your schedules reflect the amount of time your employees are on a break during a shift. Whether the break is paid or unpaid you can accurately reflect the cost to the schedule.
Select make all recorded breaks paid or unpaid.
Or create custom rules.
Complete the fields to comply with how your break rules work.
๐กAdd up to 2 break rules, choose pay for all, some or none of break time.
Select save changes at the tip of the screen to apply your break rules.
Clock Rounding Rules
Use clock round rules to round up or down to start or finish times.
Under custom rules to select if you want your rule to apply to clock in or clock out times.
Next choose if you want the rule to apply to early or late clock ins.
Then add the number of minutes that you want the rule to apply to
๐ก In this example anyone clocking up to 30 mins early will have their clock in time rounded up to the approved start time.
Add additional rules by clicking add clock rounding rule
Select save changes to set your clocking rules live.