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Employee App: Requesting holidays, time off and sick days
Employee App: Requesting holidays, time off and sick days

Streamline the holiday request flow in your business and give your team members increased control and visibility of their time off requests

Peter Walsh avatar
Written by Peter Walsh
Updated over a year ago

Requesting Time off (Holiday)

On the app home screen select Time off under the requests section.

The time off screen will show you your planned, available and taken holiday. You can also view the list of your requests and the status of them.

To create a new time off request select Request time-off.

Select Paid holiday.

Select the date range. You can also leave a note related to your request. Then select Continue.

Now you can see a summary of your holiday request. You will see the amount of holiday accrued and requested. Use the toggles next to each requested day to select whether it should be paid or unpaid.

πŸ’‘ If you have a holiday request that covers more than a week use the paid/unpaid toggle to avoid submitting multiple holiday requests.

Select Send request to send to your manager for approval.

Requesting Partial Time off (Unpaid)

Whether it's a full day or a partial day, Nory supports both options. Employees can specify the exact start and end times, allowing them to request partial day-offs.

Note: This is only available for unpaid days off.

When requesting Partial Time off (Unpaid) click into Time off (unpaid) when requesting time off.

Click on the Duration section.

Choose Partial day.

Now you can choose the start and end time of your partial day.

When you are happy with your selection click continue and your request will be sent!

Requesting recurring Time off (Unpaid)

During the creation of a Time-Off (Un-Paid) request, you can select the repeat option and specify an ending on date for recurring requests. This will cater if you have repetitive time-off needs!

In order to do this, when completing Time-Off (Un-Paid) request, click into the Repeat section.

Choose Weekly.

Add in notes to explain the reason for the time off. Press continue to move to the summary page.

Here you can see a summary of your request. If you are happy click Send request.

Your request has been sent! You will now see the status of your request in the Time off section.

Reviewing and editing holiday requests

In the time off screen requests that are waiting to be approved will show as pending.

Select the pending request to see the detail. If your plans change and you no longer need the time off, you can delete the request by selecting delete request.

Approved or rejected requests will also be shown in the time off screen.

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