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Counting stock in Nory
Counting stock in Nory

How to count stock in Nory web and mobile apps

Igor Kochajkiewicz avatar
Written by Igor Kochajkiewicz
Updated over a week ago

Counting your stock in Nory is the best way to stay in the know on all things inventory and make sure you’re running a profitable business.

Nory allows you to count stock using the web application on your laptop as well as the Nory IM mobile apps on Android and iOS phones.

How to count stock

Using the web app on your laptop? Click the basket icon in the left sidebar:

Start a new count by pressing the “New count” button in the top right corner of the screen, or select a draft count to continue a previously saved count.

If you’re using the Nory IM mobile app, Tap the inventory icon, then the Counts tab. Next, tap the “New count” button to start a new count, or or select a draft count to continue a previously saved count.

Choose your count type, count date and time on the next screen.

Stock count dates

Stock counts are snapshots of your inventory at a certain point in time.

You may start your weekly stock count on Sunday night, but finish it on Monday before you open your restaurant. Nory gives you the flexibility to choose Sunday as the count date, regardless of when you finish counting your items.

You can choose any date since the last completed stock count, e.g. if you last counted on Sunday 14th, you can choose any date from Monday 15th.

"Day start" and "day end" counts

Selecting “Day start” will not account for sales on the day of the count. This saves you from rushing the count to finish it before you start serving your customers.

“Day start” also means Nory won’t consider any deliveries, transfers or waste logged on the day of the count.

“Day end”, on the other hand, means that all sales, deliveries, transfers and waste logged on that day are considered in the final report.

Counting stock

If your stock is separated into storage areas in the restaurant, you can use the storage areas dropdown to filter the list.

Hard-to-find items? Type item names into the search bar.

Saving your count

You can stop counting at any stage and save the count as a draft. To do just that, press the Save button while counting.

All draft counts are displayed on the counts list, marked as “draft”.

Reopening a draft count

To reopen a draft count, choose that count from the list.

When reopening a draft count, you can edit its date and “day start” / “day end” time.

Completing the stock count

To complete a count, click “Finish”.

If you haven’t counted all available items, Nory will inform you how many items are left and ask if you’d like to estimate the count of those items.

Next, Nory will display a reconciliation report showing the status of your inventory and changes since the previous stock count.

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