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Tracking your restaurants inventory performance
Tracking your restaurants inventory performance

Monitor your brand or locations inventory performance in real time.

Stephen Mannion avatar
Written by Stephen Mannion
Updated over a week ago

Inventory insights by brand

For an overview of your brand's inventory performance select inventory from the menu bar at the top of your screen.

Use the navigation bar at the top of the screen to choose the date range you would like to view.

When in the custom view the date picker will display when inventory counts have taken place and how many counts were completed on each date.

Inventory insights show the sales for the period selected and the percentage split between food, beverage and miscellaneous sales. Nory must be connected to your POS system to collect your sales data.

If you have sales that are not assigned to a recipe the sales box is highlighted in red. Hover over the sales box to see the value of the unassigned sales

πŸ’‘ If all your POS ID’s are not assigned to a recipe in Nory the items will not be registered as sold.

πŸ“– Learn more about Connecting your sales data to Nory

A target GP percentage is generated based on the sales and items sold, this is also split between food and beverage and miscellaneous.

πŸ’‘ The target GP % is what you would expect the result to be in a perfect world with no waste or mistakes so is not a realistic expectation. Using this as a benchmark and working to a target that is within a set range of this figure is suggested.

The actual GP figure will show you actual results based on the findings of your stock counts, a stock count must be completed in order to generate this figure.

The variance section shows the difference between the target GP and the actual GP figure.

πŸ’‘ The Variance is calculated by subtracting the waste value from the surplus value. Read on to learn more about these values.

Surplus is an unexpected increase in inventory value. This could be caused by accepting deliveries without recording them in Nory, a mistake in your inventory count or under-portioning.

Waste is the value of inventory items that is recorded as waste (accounted) or is unaccounted (unaccounted) for after the inventory count.

If a location has not completed an inventory count you will at the top of the location list.

The location will also be highlighted as shown below.

Inventory Insights by location

View an overview of performance by location at the bottom of the screen, to see it in detail select the location from the list or use the search bar.

Inventory insights by location shows the sales, GP data in the same way as by group but gives greater detail on waste and item variances.

As on the brand view the date picker will highlight dates that inventory counts have taken place on.

Switch between the insights overview and the reconciliation report for the selected stock period for ease when completing your inventory investigations.

In the stock overview tab you can view accounted vs unaccounted waste split by food and beverage, hover over the graph the see the waste broken down into a percentage of sales.

Waste items are listed in the bottom right-hand corner and can be filtered using the blue arrow next to the heading.

πŸ’‘Filtering by value will help identify high-cost items that are missing from stock counts or have excessive waste.

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